Testimonios de alumnos

“We strongly recommend Mariana’s Legal English lessons. We hired LEI during 2023 for a multinational company, so the whole Argentina’s legal team could have weekly lessons with her. During this year, the course went through different legal topics (such as contracts, disputes, administrative law, etc), with the plus of having some time to learn day-to-day colloquial English. With this, we learnt both technical language and useful tips to communicate in our working environment, such as drafting good emails and memos. Everything an inhouse lawyer needs! Of course the experience wouldn’t have been the same without Mariana’s talent to make the lessons interesting and dynamic. Thank you Mariana!”.

Rafael del Campo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Rafael del Campo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

“I enjoyed a lot the course, it has really been a nice and productive experience, it not only
increased my legal skills in english, but also taught me many key matters about the way in
which the legal profession is developed in USA and UK. It´s a very good course, those who are
keen on the commercial side of the legal profession, will find it interesting for sure.”

José Verón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
José Verón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"He realizado el curso de Contracts 2023 y el mismo me ha resultado muy útil. Los contenido de las clases son interesantes y la actividades resultan útiles para practicar lo visto a lo largo de las clases. La profesora siempre esta disponible pada aclarar dudas y tiene una participación muy activa en el foro. Me resultó muy útil para mi trabajo. Lo super recomiendo si están buscando ampliar sus conocimientos legales en inglés."

Fiamma Fabbro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Fiamma Fabbro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"Soy Abogado y de pronto me surgieron muchos clientes que solo hablaron en inglés, por lo que estaba muy urgido de poder comunicarme con ellos correctamente, entonces conocí los cursos de Mariana y resultaron ser todo lo que necesitaban. Ella es una persona muy amable y preparada que no solo sabe lo que hace, sino que también lo transmite con humildad y rapidez. Recomendando hacer los tres cursos para poder tener el panorama completo y abordar la totalidad de los temas necesarios para el día a día."

Lucas Figola (Córdoba, Argentina)
Lucas Figola (Córdoba, Argentina)

"The course on Company Law brought me more information than I thought. It was complete and clear. The teacher answered my questions on time and she was so kind when we met at the virtual meeting. Definitely, I’ll recommend this course. Congratulations Mariana and thank you for your help!"

Andrea Perez (Mendoza, Argentina)
Andrea Perez (Mendoza, Argentina)

"I’m absolutely recommend the course on Company Law. You will learn a lot about the technical words used in the documents and the process of companies formation.

Also, the platform is very didactic and helpful in your learning process. Lastly, you’ll be supported by Mariana, who will really make you feel very secure in the learning process."

Nicolás Anglada (San Luis, Argentina)
Nicolás Anglada (San Luis, Argentina)

"Recomiendo los cursos de Legal English Online. Son prácticos y teóricos a la vez. Es la herramienta perfecta que combina el inglés jurídico con la práctica legal diaria.  
Como abogada que utiliza el idioma para su trabajo, a través de Legal English Online y el método que utiliza, he avanzado rápida y efectivamente en la incorporación y utilización de las estructuras del idioma. 
El contenido del curso abarca temas legales reales, eso lo hace interesante y ágil. Tiene mucha práctica, es la forma más efectiva de aprender.
Para mi, estudiar un idioma tiene que ser divertido, por eso elegí a LEI."

Elizabeth Piro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Elizabeth Piro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"I definitely recommend the Legal English online courses. They are not only dynamic but also give me the confidence needed to excel in my English interviews. 
Mariana provides the specific legal vocabulary you need to excel in your job, interviews, or classes. Thanks to these courses, I successfully obtained a position as an Associate Attorney at an American Law Firm.
My experience with Mariana was incredibly positive. She is intelligent, empathetic, and deeply committed to your learning journey. Furthermore, we learned to draft documents such as cover letters, resumes, mails, and we did role play in class.
My classmates share the same excellent experience I had. Thank you, teacher!"

Constanza Gomez (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Constanza Gomez (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"Los cursos de LEI son excelentes, me ayudaron a reforzar la base de inglés que tenía y a desarrollar vocabulario técnico legal en muy poco tiempo.

Los cursos tienen videos, ejercicios interactivos y chats que hacen divertida la cursada y estimulan el aprendizaje.

Recomiendo los cursos de LEI especialmente por la instructora que fomenta la interacción entre los alumnos ayudando a expresar las ideas utilizando el inglés en todo momento. "

Mariana Rey (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mariana Rey (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"The Legal English course was great, you can study at your own pace, you have many different ways of learning and many exercises, as well as having to write some short essays on topics seen throughout the course. Mariana was great, she was available all the time for any questions. I highly recommend it!"

Ercilia Ordoñez (Córdoba, Argentina)
Ercilia Ordoñez (Córdoba, Argentina)

"I really enjoyed the Company Law course. It is very interesting, with a lot of activities, and the most important thing is that you learn a lot. Mariana is a great teacher, and I definitely recommend this course."

Leonardo G. T. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Leonardo G. T. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"I learned about many important areas of the law during the course and it was a successful experience for all. We practiced how we should write emails, letters of advice, and memos. We also prepared videos and presentations to explain a legal topic to the rest of the class.

Mariana is an excellent professional and she is completely prepared to teach this course to lawyers."

Pablo Maccarini (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Pablo Maccarini (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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